
Because of You

Will you make the world a little better today?
Your presence will change the world.
Will you smile bring joy to someone's day?
Or as you hurry by will tears come to someones eyes?
You will make a difference in a life today.
Will the touch of your hand bring a ray of light?
Or will a haughty look bring a stab of hurt?
Because of you the world won't be the same.
Will the words you speak bring a spark of hope?
Or cause despair to take root in someone's heart?
Who you are will change who someone else will be.
Will your presence comfort in a time of need?
Or lack there of bring loneliness and pain?
Your life will make a difference.
Will the thing you give create joy for those that receive?
Or will thoughts of you stir up anger in the heart?
Will the house you're in feel your love for them?
Or will those around you be dissatisfied?
Just being in this world guaranties that your presence will be felt.
Will you be the bringer of peace?
Or will with you discontent come?
Because of you things will change.
Will it be for better of for worse?

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