
Your way doesn't always make sense,
But I will trust your direction.

Your wisdom, in its great expanse,
Intensifies my vain foolishness.

The world You created full of beauty,
Brings to mind my endless insufficiency.

I find myself at the wrong end of life,
Far from where I want to be.

Coming to grips with my inability,
Forced to search beyond myself.

Only in this state of helplessness,
Can inadequacies be changed to sufficiency.

Here I met with the work of Christ,
By His power made victorious.

The guidance of the Lord leads me,
As I submit to follow Him.

The blood of my Savior changes my existence,
Seen as perfect before the Lord.

Still I live my life,
Struggling to make it right.

But now given confidence,
His work will be sure.

I trust the faithfulness of my Lord.
He will take me where I need to go.

Though oft I can not see,
While darkness surrounds me.

I hear the promises of God so I know,
I will come to be where I need to go.

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