
Thoughts Turned Towards You

My heart bleeds for you.
My soul longs for you.
Why can’t you see?
Open your eyes, behold His glory.
Open your heart, your mind, know His love.
His power surrounds you.
A tool in His hands, He uses you.
Through you great things are done.
Look around, see His love.
Know and recognize His provision,
Which you supply.
To those you greet, His love is shown.
His wonders surround you.
You are immersed in Him,
His glory, power, love and victory.
Yet you can not see,
Can not perceive,
Nor come to know,
These wonders in your life.
You have not been chosen,
Wonders not revealed.
My intercession continues;
I will not cease;
Pouring my heart out for you,
Begging, praying, asking,
Heartlessly crying for your soul.

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