
Life is Full of Mystery

Life is full of mystery.
Facing it I look the future in the eyes.
It seems so much bigger than I.
Imposing stature, and foreboding authority

Perceiving my lack of control,
He takes advantage of my every weakness.
My body is racked with worry,
Constantly distraught with anxieties,
Almost to the point of insanity.

Trying to get a grip on my life,
Trying and failing so many times.
When I think I have it going again,
I hear another trap door swing close.

I cry to the Lord
“Liberate me, my Father”
He hears my pray.
Reaching down He delivers me.
I will depend on Him, relying on His Spirit.


Life is a dark mysterious man.
Facing him I look into the eyes of the future.
He seems so much bigger than I.
Imposing stature, and foreboding authority.

Perceiving my lack of control,
He takes advantage of my every weakness.
My body is racked with worry,
Constantly distraught with anxieties,
Almost to the point of insanity.

Trying to get a grip on my life,
Trying and failing so many times.
When I think I have it going again,
I hear another trap door swing close.

I cry to the Lord
“Liberate me, my Father”
He hears my pray.
Reaching down He delivers me.
I will depend on Him, relying on His Spirit.


Remember Me When You Disappear.

As you find out what life is all about,
Don’t leave me hanging here.
I need to know just as much as you.

Becoming invisible to the searching world,
After thinking you found it all out,
This cruelty might bring a martyr’s death.
If only we could find you to kill you.


Strangely Inspired

Sitting here on this day with nothing running through my head, seeking inspiration to write.

Wanting someone to come and stir my mind with an intriguing factor of life.

Seemingly forever, as I wait, I try to write.

Attempts not worthy of notice are here engraved.

Whether you read or take to heart...

What it would be I do not know.

Where it could be found I am uncertain.

But here is what I have to offer,

In this strange world.


I stand above a crowd of people,
Looking for your face amidst them all.

Searching back and forth,
My eyes wandering from person to person.
Wanting to see you, a longing I can't explain,
Would be satisfied with just one look,
Only enough to know you are alright.
Are you still alive and doing good?
It has been so long now, since I saw you last.

So many people walk by, but you are not in the group.
I am about ready to give up.
But there is still a chance you might walk past.
So I stay and wait.
It seems like every hope is gone when someone catches my eye,
With eager anticipation I turn to look,
But it is not who I was watching for.

Disappointment fills my heart. I start to walk away,
But then I realize maybe he needs ministered to.
Changing my course to walk past a lonely man sitting by the door.
I stoop to greet him, then we both stand to talk.
Visiting by gone days and discussing life,
Minutes fade away and walking together we leave the place.

A backward glance tells me the one I came to see,
still isn't there.



Going so slowly my heart threatens to break
Questioning timing and long coming answers.
Am I even living any kind of a life?

Carrying on so quickly that I can barely stay on.
Doubting control and finding my strength unreliable.
Will this storm I am living in ever come to cease?

It seems like they are all the same.
It seems like it doesn't matter.
But in reality they are all different,
Each possessing significance.


Living it out

I know what I believe,
But am I remembering to live it out?

Analyze my actions,
Criticize my endeavors,
Make clear to me where I fail.

I cry to the Lord,
He will give me strength.
My confidence is sure,
I am becoming who I ought to be.


When I Learn a Sad Song ; You'll be the First Person I Sing It to.

You have stood by me all this time.
Never leaving me for anyone else.
Your faithfulness and love both clearly seen.

Who I am is so turned around.
Some times you hold me while I cry.
You comfort me when I weep.

The very next day, you find me rejoicing,
So you dance with me,
Delighting in the beauty of the day.

Seemingly twisted by confusion,
With my head bent towards the ground,
I am examining the world.

You question my questions.
Double checking my reasoning.
Try and make sure my head is on straight.

While we survey the scenery,
Pointing out discrepancies,
You show me how things are not what they are.

In noticing trivial things,
And appreciating simplicity,
My gladness brings you pleasure.

Pointing me in the right direction,
So I the way I am facing,
Might agree with the way I ought to go.

The life we live together,
Can in no way be better
Than what you are making it be.


Writing for the Lord

When I sit down to write,
I want You to be pleased with what I type.
So, tell me Lord, How am I doing?
Do the words that I speak,
And the thoughts that I think,
Do they praise Your name?
Am I falling short of the goal,
The one You, my Lord, set before me?
If only I could know.
As I keep on trying, I'll continue striving,
To glorify my Lord.


Falling down, Falling down,

This is the world around me.

Rising up, Rising up,

This is the way I want to go.

Here I am trying to find out,
How to be who I want to be.


None Other Than My Savior

There is none other than my Savior,
On whom I will rely.
In days of chaos and long tired nights,
There is one to whom I will turn.
Having every certainty,
That He is always there.


Thrown into indecision,
I am standing in uncertainty.
Not sure how to find out,
The answers to my questions.
Whom can I trust and where can I go?
Finding myself thus,
All I can do is trust.
Trust that it will all work out,
And the world won't spin out of control.
Maybe they are right,
Perhaps it doesn't matter after all.
Both paths seem as fair,
Each with their own difficulties.
Is there a right and is there a wrong?
Let the hand of God guide me through it all.


Roaming around seeking a place to stand
Wondering how I fit in.
Trying to find where I belong.
In this moment realizing,
My discrepancy,
In trying to find where
I can serve
Rather than looking to see
Who is in need of what I can give.


Standing Together

There are so many things needing done.
How can I find the strength to do them all?
Why can't I get the world to rise with me?
If you all stood and joined in my pursuit,
Together we would stand and make a difference.
Why do so many people need to be rallied,
Rather than eagerly standing in wait,
Seeking a chance to volunteer and save their world?
Where did they go? Those days of glory?
When bold men and upright women served the Lord.
Today is no different so why must we search?
It should be easy to find those eager to serve.
Is it distraction, embarrassment, or uncertainty?
What this world needs is a leader.
A leader to stand for righteousness,
Boldly proclaiming the gospel,
In words and in deeds.
This is not more then I should expect,
Rather the essence of a Christian nation.


Haiku 8017j

Jesus Christ, God's Son
In Him salvation is found
Believe and be saved


Living a Life for Christ

Wanting to serve the Lord,
All I have to do is look around.
I will find a corner of the world,
That needs to feel God's touch.
It is enough for me to follow,
The gentle prompting of God's Spirit.

Worry not what the world might think,
Focus on what your Lord has to say.
I offer all to Christ who is my Master.
But do not think He will not take and use,
What I have given Him.

Willing to offer ready to serve,
Lord let this be how I am to be.

The gentle breathing of the Spirit,
Fills my life full of meaning.
If only I were to listen,
Every moment that I live.
I ask for trust and obedience,
That I might obey God's law.


After 7 Years It Is Still Here

To those affected by the terrorist attack against the United States of America on September 11, 2001.

May you never forget God's grace and mercy.

9/11 must not be forgotten.
The past can not be buried.
Happenings so real they can not be erased.


All that comes to mind
are silly ditties
and old hymns.
Lost in a mindless fog,
Sitting here thinking,
Reflecting empty thoughts,
I am wondering about this new day.

What will it bring?
And what will I give?
Which part am I to play?


"I want to make a difference in this world." Spoken in a soft quiet voice, the little girl told her mother. "I don't want anyone who knew me to be the same after I die." In a way she is right nobody can forget what my little girl did, not now and not ever. They might not remember her name or where she came from. They may never know why she did what she did, but no one who saw her can ever be the same. She didn't rush into a burning building to save a cat. She didn't run in front of a speeding car to pull an old lady out of the path of danger. My little girl, she never saved the world by making some miraculous discovery. There will never be a planet named after her. There won't be any books written to tell the world her story. She wasn't ever anybody famous nor did she become the first to do any marvelous thing. She wasn't a queen or president. Yet her field of influence was indeed very wide and it will stretch beyond many generations. My little girl was so quiet and so simple, it was amazing, shocking really that she will always be remembered in such away.
Fighting a longing to be in control of my life.
Knowing that I can never be,
I seek to know the one who is.
I thank God for each event,
That is called coincidence
Knowing he is directing affairs of man.
Seemingly insignificant things,
Prove to me God's love.


Today's Madness

Rushing along at a maddening speed
I see people literally running over each other.
Why is the world like this?
I find a solitary place where I can sit and watch
From where I feel safe.
But why should I?
I occupy a part of this this world
How can I be an exception.
As I ponder this thought I see a man walk by.
Totally absorbed by his own silence,
He doesn't hear shuffling footsteps coming up behind him.
There is momentary hesitation before the shuffler walks past.
On their busy way to somewhere they don't take the time notice.
Neither realizes the other.
They have never met but they pass each other everyday.
Should that not be enough, even just to cause momentary acknowledgment?
What is it about this world?
It makes people ashamed, ashamed of themselves.
Despite never having begun they fear consequences.
Consequences that do not exist.
Why should we be worried about how we are perceived?
What is being thought of us has more to do with the one who thinks it,
And less to do with the one who is being thought of.
Smiles that taken more then one way,
Motives that are questioned,
And thoughts that fail to make sence,
All add to the world of confusion.


A Whisper of Peace

I feel it spreading over the land,
Reaching every corner of my world.
It is peace, it is indeed peace.
Why can't it stay this way?
War and famine, in a constant circle of strife.
It seems that it would be so easy,
But the truth of that statement is so far away.


My heart bleeds for you.
My soul longs for you.
Why can’t you see?
Open your eyes, behold His glory.
Open your heart, your mind, know His love.
His power surrounds you.
A tool in His hands, He uses you.
Through you great things are done.
Look around, see His love.
Know and recognize His provision,
Which you supply.
To those you greet, His love is shown.
His wonders surround you.
You are immersed in Him,
His glory, power, love and victory.
Yet you can not see,
Can not perceive,
Nor come to know,
These wonders in your life.
You have not been chosen,
Wonders not revealed.
My intercession continues;
I will not cease;
Pouring my heart out for you,
Begging, praying, asking,
Heartlessly crying for your soul.


A Prayer to the Father/ A Sunday Prayer

What do you want me to say
Who do you want me to tell
Longing to glorify your name
Wanting to lift you up
Let the world see you
Let them see you through me
Make my life all it can be
Making me live all for you
May you be praised this very day
Let my deeds praise the Lord


Thinking I am going crazy
I chose to stand up and sing
Singing with all that I am
Drowning out all of me
I am afraid to stop
Fearing that I’ll see
Who I am again


Today exists, but is that all?
Am I truly living my life,
Or do I simply react to others deeds?
Am I letting random people dictate who I am?
Is the world pushing me around,
Each making me do whatever he pleases?
Or am I serving in love and humility



Christ is Lord over me
Seeking meaning to apply
I see Him in control
His rules I obey
Asking Him to dictate my life

In serving my King
Longing all to belong to Him
Taken from myself
My Savior saved me
From my own nature

Making me Thine
You, my God and Creator
Having power over everything
Control my life
Gratefully I surrender

With thanksgiving I come
Before the throne
Of the Almighty God
To sing His praises
And bring glory to His name


Haiku 7014d

Beauty hid from view
Uncover the mystery
Christ Jesus reveals


Lost in this world

Not knowing where I should be going
Gates open and shut; pushing me along
Should I have? Or shouldn’t I have?
It fails to matter, it is already done.
My life is going past with only one choice.
Here and now, what will I do?
What will I say and what will I think?
Only for this moment can we decide.

Yesterday, already lived, we can’t live again
Tomorrow, not promised to us, is just a hope.
But today is the reality, in which we are living.


Words, they seem so empty.
Spoken with a meaning I may not recognize,
I interpret yours amiss,
And you see mine with different meaning.
What is heard and what is spoken,
Is often not the same.
Sometimes speaking becomes nothing more,
than an exchange of confusion.


God's Glory, God's Glory Great
It is all seen here
With eyes unclear
Pour your spirit upon me
Wrap your love around me
Let my everything be for you
May all I do prove you as true


God's Provision

"I will set up shepherds over them who will feed them; and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, nor shall they be lacking,” says the LORD. Jemimah 23:4

Complete and total sufficiency,
All things provided,
In such a wonderful way,
The hand of God in the midst of it all.
Specific dictations,
Showing His great love.

When I say it isn’t right but thank God she didn't die.

When I say it isn’t right
But thank God she didn’t die.

These happenings seem so unreal
I know I am not in charge of the world

I am no one why do I try and define justice?
I realize I ought not to be but my mind refuses to stop.

I so many places I find myself pointing out faults and blemishes,

Seeing hurting family’s and struggling sons,
Wandering daughters far from home.

I wonder, why am I so critical?
What good is noticing so many wrongs?
All I can do is beg and plead for a change
Lacking control over even one single thing

I want to live my life bringing hope
Somehow finding a way
To right a good many wrongs


I have to tell you something, but I am not sure how to begin. You see, I am not anyone important and I am afraid that there is no one listening to what I say. Empty stares and heartless eyes are peering down at me. They make me fear. I am not sure what I am afraid of and none of it makes sense. The one thing that I do know for sure is that my fear is real. How can you be certain of even that? You may ask. I don’t even know, I don’t even know that, but see my hands, how they shake, see how white I am, feel the trembling of my soul. You refuse to believe me even as I say I am afraid. Why should I go on, knowing that you would not believe what I have to say? My fear keeps me silent. Why was I chosen to bear this message? Why must I be the one to speak? Make someone else! Someone else has to do it because I can’t.
“But you’re carrying on all this time surely you can say what you mean.”
I’m afraid I can’t. This fear has left me paralyzed.

And with that he left and ran away… It seemed strange that such a small boy would interrupt my quiet evening with a knock upon my door. I wonder what it was that he had in mind to say.


Time heals all wounds;
But not the one inside of me.

You say I’m wrong,
You say just wait,
Well I am, I have,
But the pain is still the same.

It is pushing me down.
I feel like I could just cease,
And stop living.

I hate this constant fight.


Lord, I love you
some may think that is a foolish thing to say
my actions often deny those very words
God is faithful
though I may try to leave Him
He will always chase me down
God is truth
despite my lies God's word is proven
God is just
Even as I am swayed and biased
God is love
When I struggle not to hate
My words are far from perfection
My life and God's character always disagree
My ugliness, His great beauty
Only by God's grace am I forgiven
If you see any good in me it is not from myself
May God be glorified


The Way It Is

Do I have it all wrong again?
Just let me know so I can rewind my life.
We’ll start all over, way back from the beginning,
I will try to get it right this time.

Even if I mess up the second chance,
I’ll go back a third time for another opportunity;
To live my life a different way.

Again and again the cycle could continue.

Do you really believe, that you can dictate the universe?
You who are but a solitary person,
Whether chance or a greater being,
Put you in this place,
What power have you acquired?
That you may be the one
To determine your destiny.


Haiku 7029n

Through forgotten night
Light penetrating the darkness
Casts out its madness


Life Without Simplicity: A Sonnet

I looked at my life only to perceive
That it invited chaos to amass
Wanting rest from so much strife and to leave
My legacy on plain colored canvas
I asked how to live in a simple way
All I received was quotes from men of old
What our nation can no longer portray,
That sacred object, I can not behold.
Should I struggle to find what was found dead?
Could they all be wrong, might it still exist?
Seeking simplicity I gained instead
Increased chaos I had tried to resist
Now a lost art, none knowing the old skill
Unfilled my life remains wanting still.


He said here this is your salvation.
I said No, refusing to believe,
But God said Yes,
And changed my heart.


Because He Loved Me

God made a way,
At a great, great cost.
Deserving death,
What I had earned,
Was separation,
For eternity.
God showed me His love.
He came to earth,
And died in my place.
After three days,
In a grave,
Christ returned to life.


My Inability

Separated from God’s goodness,
Unable to correct or hide my error,
So in love with the way I am,
That even if I could, I wouldn’t try.


Well, my first survey is over. The great thing is that someone actually took the time to vote. This also implies that at least one person might occasionally read my posts, so thank you whoever you are. Any way, the question was "What is simplicity?" The four choices were: 1) Lack of complexity, 2) A specific trait something can have, 3) An art that is lost in America, 4) The state of being plain. The response that I got that simplicity is an art that is lost in America. Please let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Hopefully within the next week or so I will write a post on 'Life Without Simplicity' be sure to watch for it.

Me and God

I am lowly and filled with imperfections.
If I were to stand with God,
His courts would no longer be spotless,
So, I can not be with the King.
God said here is where you need to be,
And in my sin I came thus,
Far from God’s holiness.
God, set apart from man’s wickedness,
We can not see His glory,
Or dwell in His presence.


God in His Glory

God is great, I am not,
Ruler over all things.
His character revealed,
Complete in purity,
Without fault or tarnish.
Showing His faithfulness,
Steadfast, never changing.


Why I am a Sinner

I am so lost in this world,
Seeing things I know should be done;
Not doing them, again and again,
Failing to meet perfection once more.
Deliberately choosing the wrong choice,
Even while being aware; that I am at fault.
They say that I will die
Because of the way I live
So, What? What if I die.
Why would I care?


When it doesn't rain

Life is so confusing sometimes it is so beautiful
But often times trials hide each bit of light.
When I can’t see the sun through a stormy shroud,
I wonder am I hidden from the sun’s sight
Or is the aim to cover it from mine.

You see, when it fails to storm
And rain ceases to water my life
I become as the ground, hard, dry, and cracked
All from lack of any difficulties
Then when they finally do arrive
The rain all washes away
Draining down my hardened soul
Unable to do me any good
Running off instead of soaking in

The warning of droughts which bring
Quick coming floods don’t frown upon
Hardship and trials Be grateful for wet trail rides


In This Day

I am where God wants me to be
Right now in this day
I will live for my Savior
Knowing that I am not all I am to be
I’m glad to see my Savior shaping me


Lord, How Do I Know?

When I look around me,
I see so many questions,
Countless decisions,
Waiting to be made.
But where do I start?
What is the right choice?
It seems that it could be
So much more simple,
Than what it is today.
Lord, how do I know?
How do I know,
Which way to go?
How do I know,
Even the time of day?
When is the right moment?
Where is best place?
It doesn’t make sense any more.
But even that way it doesn’t matter
At least not anymore.
Am I just endlessly floating,
Through life’s queries?
Are my feet even touching the ground,
Or do I rationalize,
And ask my self
‘What is the right way’?
Do I ignore the answer,
That sits right in front of me?
Or do I honestly not see,
What ought to be so plain.
Lord, please help me.
Help me see
And make me do.
Make me do what is right,
What is right in Your eyes,
Not mine.
There are so many mistakes
That I tend to make.
Keep me from repeating my sin.
This sin of seeking my own answers
Rather than Yours.


Haiku 706d

Smallest part of life
As important as the rest
Observe, take notice


Hope For This World

The world is amazingly big
This world is surprisingly small
Each detail under God's control

Surely to be in existence
Is to be in the hand of God
Surely all life breathes by His word

There can never be any other
Lasting hope through eternity
Other than the Lord Jesus Christ

This vast world in which we reside
Despite every hidden corner
All searching finds the same design

Uselessly seeking as a man
For an answer of different kind
None to be found or said besides

There can never be any other
Lasting hope through eternity
Other than the Lord Jesus Christ

To this world let it all be told
Hide not the Truth but raise Him up
So all can see the Lord’s power

His might, His mercy, love, and grace
All clearly seen for blind men healed
By the will of the Sovereign King

There can never be any other
Lasting hope through eternity
Other than the Lord Jesus Christ


Times changed,
Thoughts provoked,
Knowledge gained,
Self will past.


My Thoughts By Me

My thoughts aren't even real thoughts
My letters form words, my words form sentences...
...Sometimes... put together do they make sense?
Can you grasp my meaningness and my meaningless.

I just let things flow...nothingness...
Sometimes thoughts with feelings mixed in to.
But mostly it's just emptiness.
Does it work? do you get, can you understand?
What it is I am communicating? Or am I?
Sometimes I don't know.

Is it poetry? is it prose? or nothingness?
Is there meaning? does it have life?
Or is it dead and lifeless
Will I never know? --Probably.

Thoughts will come, thoughts will go.
Will you understand? --Maybe.
Things will go, time will change.
Will it stay? --I daren't say

Will my message ever be told?
Will I ever write plainly?
My message will be told! --I hope.
However, I doubt I will ever write sense.

A page? Yeah, well, we'll see.
Some other day perhaps,
Or perhaps not.



Thoughts are coming,
Thoughts are going,
Within your mind.
Showing up from...
Near anywhere.
Thoughts be good.
Thoughts be bad.
Here they be,
There they go,
Coming, going,
Sometimes staying.
Sending off,
Or welcome in?
Choose at will,
On which to dwell.


Lack of Inspiration

Lots of empty time
Wanting words to say
Opportunities abound
Things needing said
But no way to speak


When, Where, And How?

When, where, how?
Ever and always.
Here and there.
Not generally.
Everyone and no one.
Somebodies and nobodies.
All need to know.
Yesterday and tomorrow,
As well as today.

Let it out don't keep it in.
Flood the world, today.
All together you all and me.

Chose me, use me.
However and wherever
Whenever you please.


The Lord is love,
Let it be known,
Sing it to the world.
Tell everyone,
Without love,
Is without God.
Say it today,
Tell it each morn,
Rise and speak,
Love each day.
Serve the King,
Praise the Father,
Each moment,


Time and Opportunity

Time then Time again, will it reoccur?
It was here, it is here, now will it be here?
Will it come again?
It has been here before, time then time again.
But will it come yet another time?
Will history continue to repeat itself...again?
Will it come to pass or will the pattern cease?
Looking back you see the pattern looking forward nothing.
Will the chance come again or remain away... Forever?
Should I let this time pass trusting continuation,
Of this pattern that is bond to pass?
Will it or won't it always come to be?
Should I pass this opportunity? Will it come again?
Looking back I say it will, but will it?
By looking back can't tomorrow be known?
Must this opportunity be taken or may I let it pass,
In hopes it will com again once more?
This chance, as I let it slide through my fingers,
Will return, It must! But really will it?
No one to tell, none to say, but now it is gone.
The chance has left and all that remains for me,
Is to wait and see if I've lost my last opportunity.


Thoughts Turned Towards You

My heart bleeds for you.
My soul longs for you.
Why can’t you see?
Open your eyes, behold His glory.
Open your heart, your mind, know His love.
His power surrounds you.
A tool in His hands, He uses you.
Through you great things are done.
Look around, see His love.
Know and recognize His provision,
Which you supply.
To those you greet, His love is shown.
His wonders surround you.
You are immersed in Him,
His glory, power, love and victory.
Yet you can not see,
Can not perceive,
Nor come to know,
These wonders in your life.
You have not been chosen,
Wonders not revealed.
My intercession continues;
I will not cease;
Pouring my heart out for you,
Begging, praying, asking,
Heartlessly crying for your soul.


The Way

Step by step, day by day,
I'm trying my hardest,
To follow after you.
Though who I ought to be,
Is far from who I am,
I still have a longing,
To become beautiful.
Obstacles do remain,
Waiting to be subdued,
But my beacon leads on.
Christ the Lord shows the way.


The end of my attempts

Looking, Searching, wandering, seeking,
Trying to find where I'm going to go.
Lost in bewilderment;
Traveling, walking, running, tearing,
Proceeding down the road in life.
Continuing uncontrollably;
Surrounded by vastness.
Panicing in incomprehensibility;
Life has left me lost.
Lost in deep dank emptiness.
Uncertainty all around,
A sense of meaningless,
Confounded me.
The darkening confinement,
Enslaving me to madness.



My words are empty,
Yet my heart is filled,
With overflowing,



Rain will come, Rain will go,
Even if it seems deceitful.
When it pours without stop,
I know the end will come,
One day or anther.
40 nights without end,
happened once, never again,
Will we all be covered,
In never ending rain.
Though puddles deep,
There will never be,
An endless sea.
Once is all it'll be.
Never reoccurring.
Tis promised to me.
In that we share,
From days of ageing sun,
And never ceasing clouds,
Noah's flood, forever be,
The only and the last,
Of forever vastness.
The landless worldliness
Sunken to the grave.
Never again such total judgment,
Poured out in such a way.
Yet time will come,
Judgment once again,
Holding not rain, nor liquid earth,
But men's eternity.
Not thundering nor lighting flash,
But hell's eternal flame.
No ark to save,
But God's mercy great,
Given to us,
Through our Savior's blood.
His saving grace,
Keeping us from the flood,
Of lifelessness in eternity.
So with Him we might rejoice,
Endlessly flooded by His love.



Time comes, Time, goes.
Time never stays the same,
Loosing, never gaining,
will come to cease,
halting reality,


Why didn’t he die?

He was there and he could have been dead,
But he didn’t die. It’s not that I’m not grateful
Or in some weird way I wanted him to die.
No, I am glad that he is alive; I just don’t understand.
There must be a reason; I know God has a plan
In some way the world won’t be the same
God let him live in order that something great might be done.
All I can do is wait and hope that I get to see,
What God will do.


Will I Change the World?

Today slips by,
Soon to be gone forever,
But what will I do,
How will I live?
Will today be remembered,
Or too quickly forgotten?
Can my actions change,
What is destined to be?
Perhaps they could,
But would I take the time,
Am I going to,
Change the world?


This world is crazy
Crazy in a way it should not be
I refuse to acknowledge schemes and plans
For they can never be obtained


I am abnormal that is part of what makes me a normal human being.


Is Yesterday Gone Forever?

While reflecting on what I did,
I remembered how I had lived.
I had the capability;
There was a possibility.
The memories of yesterday,
Would have been the stunning bouquet,
That love and gratitude creates.
What agony my soul awaits,
In knowing that my arrogance,
Was the of cause such a grievance.
I not only stole someone's joy,
But it was my goal to destroy.
I wanted to wipe out gladness.
I was possessed by such madness,
Because my life was full of pain.
It was what I could not obtain,
That I most begrudged another.
Bits of truth I should have gathered,
Long before today's reflection.
Despite anyone's objection,
I can not change the things I've done.
The new day that has now begun,
Sealed my past and mistakes they bind,
Eternally brought to my mind.
Though guarded from interjection,
Contemplation brought correction.
Yesterday both dead and alive.
Bond by time yet still will provide,
Didactic rebuke full of truth.


Haiku 708d

Right and Wrong confused
Human life lost eternally
Chirst our only hope


Just burry me in Africa

I look around me. Every thing is just too busy… coming to and fro, forgetting all about the basics of life, love, work, and live. I watch my world falling off the lap of luxury. I hold my breathe waiting for it to shatter on the ground. Watching my world teeter on the edge, my eyes threatening to pop from my head. My world is so much bigger than I. Daring not to try and grab it I am forced to watch helpless. Slipping further down, it settles on the rim. I venture a quiet breath. Will it stay? Do I want to live in a world tilted to one side?

I look up, across the room. I see another world. Despite the violence and disease, looking past all the death, I see a different life, a quiet life fighting to survive in a world of modernization. Seemingly a little speck, inconsequential, yet at the same time infinitely important. With pressure from all sides it begins to bend, “No, Stop!” I hear myself scream. Does it obey my voice or simply resist of its own free will?
Simplicity is dying, I don’t want to watch, but it will soon be gone. If I ever want to see it again I must find a way to save the day. Such an awesome responsibility for one so young.

This story is just an attempt to hold to the light my own soul, so that I might examine it. In order that I might know the way I am to go.

My course has already been plotted out. I know where I think I’m going but I’m not so sure.


God's Delight

He also brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me
Psalm 18:19

What would I need so that I could praise my King?
Riches, Fame, Health, Family, Prosperity,
Indeed none of these cause me to praise,
Though in each I am grateful, thanking my creator.
The Lord gives good to those He pleases,
To some sees fit to give misfortune and misery.
I shall not judge my Lord,
Saying what ought not to be done.
I look and see his delight and love for me.
I can not look at my self without shame,
But God, He delights in me!
For this reason I will praise my King.
God delivered me, because I brought Him joy.
How? I don't even care to ask,
It is enough to know that it is so.
God delights in me!


If I were to know, where would I go?

If I could see my beginning and my end, what would I change?
How would it effect the choices I made, if I could see who would I be?
I pray, "may it be shown to me," but is this what I really want?
My lack of sight allows me to wander guided by above.
Is this the way is should be?
I've been told, that I need a purpose and a plan.
Would it help me win my life?
In deciding who I am to be, would I be all that I desire to be?
Could I do all I want to do? Would I go where I long to go?
Indeed, it ought to be aksed,

Is it best to be blind?


Why does the flower blossom today to die tomorrow?
Why do waves crash upon the sandy shores?
Why does reflection trouble the soul?

The world by Chance happened in place,
Setting fields in motion with never ending beauty;
Governed by Chaos great bounty multiplies,
Happen Chance creates a world.

Intricate design of atoms and cells to mankind.
An accident developed the earth, it is well known;
No planning or thought needed to create.
Birds learned to fly from crawling beasts,
From blobs of goo fish began to swim,
The slightest sound came from dumb lips.
Thoughts developed in an afterlife,
And rocks began to breathe.

Commanded by a man these things were so.
A man so great the world couldn’t keep.
Chance and Accident defined by mercy and grace.
A stillness comes, the answer known.
Darkness fought, peace settles in the soul.
Because chance and accident have a name, a face,
One of great compassion and undying love.


Does Normal Even Exist?

This thing called normal,
Praised by man,
Who shun those who have not.
By flowery speeches,
And flattering lies,
Normal rises to glory,
Only to push down,
All common decency.
Reflecting normal,
Only to find the average,
And what’s expected;
Those who are not,
Like all the rest,
Are laughed at.
They are made a spectacle,
With a smile and a laugh,
Pity and wonder shown,
By a point and a shrug.
People are distancing themselves
...from each other.
I look to see how they differ,
Seeing many distinctions,
And noting some similarities,
But none of them are the same.
Which are normal?
Which are not?


when my best is not enough

In striving to better myself,
I work my hardest towards my goal.
When obtained I often fail to be satisfied.
Was my goal not high enough,
Or am I simply always discontent?

When I fall short of reaching my aim,
I turn towards myself to yell accusations.
Was lack of success really because of me,
Or perhaps uncontrollable circumstance,
Had something to do with my imperfection?

How will I ever know?
Unable to go back and try harder,
To fix what I thought was wrong,
I’m left looking in the past,
Contemplating what ifs.


Crowding My Mind

There are too many thoughts
Seeking to occupy my mind
All those of importance
Seem to be buried deep down
Underneath innumerable
Frivolous inklings


What I Know

Knowledge none,
Understanding cease,
Clouds before mine eyes,
Wool to my ears.
My mind, my heart,
On things on earth,
I long to fly,
And long to seek,
Things of God.
Reveal to me,
Open my heart to see.
Grant me wisdom,
Discernment for the mind.
Your word has hidden,
Let reveal,
The mysteries and peace;
All that I am is naught,
Of dust I am and will be,
Undiscerning, undeserving.
Heavenly wisdom locked away,
Far from me the fool.
Undeserving, undiscerning,
All I am is not enough,
To know You more;
Surpassing knowledge,
That I have not,
Unknowable, Noncomprehendable,
You to me O, humble me.
Clothed with beauty great,
Unapproachable, untouchable,
Chosen me by You.
Hear my cry,
Hear my prayer,
To know You.


Haiku 7028n

Life, seemingly small
Yet brightly vibrant
Each one is distinct


Thinking Thoughts And Writing Words

The right word is the wrong word
The wrong word is the right word
Words are only words
Thoughts are thoughts
Often misinterpreted
Words can’t be thoughts
Thoughts can’t be words,
Written down understood
Thoughts are thoughts
Words are words
Thinking thoughts
Writing words
Think about you words
Write about you thoughts
Yet two remain
Not the same
To me to you
Loss of life
Loss of thought
Slow in thought
Slow in might
Slow in word
Considered naught
Yet words remain
Delay to fade
Continue after death
Though words will stay
Thoughts influence
What we say
Thought will make
Who we think we are
Words do make
Who we’re thought to be
Write a word
Think a thought
Remember what
Each are not


Because of You

Will you make the world a little better today?
Your presence will change the world.
Will you smile bring joy to someone's day?
Or as you hurry by will tears come to someones eyes?
You will make a difference in a life today.
Will the touch of your hand bring a ray of light?
Or will a haughty look bring a stab of hurt?
Because of you the world won't be the same.
Will the words you speak bring a spark of hope?
Or cause despair to take root in someone's heart?
Who you are will change who someone else will be.
Will your presence comfort in a time of need?
Or lack there of bring loneliness and pain?
Your life will make a difference.
Will the thing you give create joy for those that receive?
Or will thoughts of you stir up anger in the heart?
Will the house you're in feel your love for them?
Or will those around you be dissatisfied?
Just being in this world guaranties that your presence will be felt.
Will you be the bringer of peace?
Or will with you discontent come?
Because of you things will change.
Will it be for better of for worse?



Unknown in this life
Strived for
Never reaching
Perfect goals
An emptiness
Always void
Longed for
To gain
Just wait
Wait on the LORD

All the labor of man is for his mouth,
And yet the soul is not satisfied.
Ecclesiastes 6:7



The light comes and penetrates all the dark nooks and all the dark crannies. I looked and I saw that it was gone. What had been there before was not there after.
"Ha" I said to him, "It is now after and not before, you are gone and can not be."
"Yes..." That was his dieing word. But later, much later, I heard, "Once more I live in the corners and in the dark."
I answered, "but how? It is now after and not before."
"It is after what is after the before! It is the future."


The Death of Simplicity

It went unnoticed,
And nobody seemed to care;
But then in looking for,
What they used to know;
The discovery was made,
Simplicity was dead.


The Lord is love.
Let it be known,
Sing it to the world.
Tell every one,
Without love,
Is without God.
Sing it today,
Tell it each morn.
To everyone,
Rise and speak,
Love each day.
Serve the King,
Praise the Father,
Each moment,


Questions all around
Everywhere needs surround
I long to help
I long to find … the answers

In my seeking
I am searching to find
Solutions to the world’s pain

But my own problems
My own struggles
Hide the road

How can I share?
How can I tell?
The way I’ve found

I am just a spot on this earth
Unknown, unrecognized

My quiet voice
Goes unheard

Of all that live,
My life be small
My whispered cry
Still unnoticed

My pleas turn heavenward
Father by your grace
Hear my cry

The smallest groaning
My heart’s gentle longings
Are now received
By my Father, By my King

The Son, the Christ
He lives, He lives again
And still does seek
The lost to bring

His doors are open wide
The way inside is Jesus Christ


I want to be invisible,
But crowds screaming my name,
Keep pointing me out.

I wish to steal away and never be found,
But where ever I go they uncover me.

Scores of people then encircle me.
Begging, crying, making me reach out.

Why is it that I am this way?
Why do I care,
About millions of people?

Those I don’t even know,
Touching my soul;
Pausing to make me wonder.

It seems that I can’t;
I can’t just hurry away.


Her name was Annalisa and there was a red cross in the window

In a place were she could understand nothing that was said everyone seemed distant and unconcerned. She lived in a world of confusion. Not knowing even simple words, Annalisa couldn’t follow directions or ask for help.
It was Easter Sunday. Annalisa intended to spend the day with her sister who lived in another part of town. On her way Annalisa turned down the wrong street. Unable to read the signs or ask which way, she followed a crowd of people to a large church. She went inside and sat down. A man began to speak a language she could not comprehend. The choir began to sing, beautiful sounds, but they had no meaning to the girl. Sitting quietly in her place Annalisa’s eyes began to wonder. First over the people, like herself, who were sitting quietly, but looking attentively at the pastor, for they could understand what he said. Then Annalisa’s attention turned towards the choir, sitting tall and stiff in their starched robes. While her eyes were roaming around the room she noticed beside her an old lady and behind the lady was a window, a window made of stained glass. It was the most beautiful thing that she had ever seen. Full of colors the window framed a dark red cross. Although, Annalisa didn’t know the language and couldn’t understand the song, she knew the story behind the cross. Even this Easter Sunday she would celebrate the victory of Jesus Christ. Despite being lost and hungry she could rejoice in her salvation.



Time, never enough,
To get it all done.
Running short of time,
Try hard as you might,
To lay it aside,
Never succeeding.
But given away,
Time doth multiply.


The Reality of Contradictions

Contradictions, what are they? Are there any which are not?

Two opposites do not neutralize, only add confusion.

Life ceases to exist yet continues, not any more yet forever more.

Now becomes then, yet now is always here.

A change of place changes here, yet there is never here.


Haiku 8031

Glad that I'm unique
Welcoming who He made me
I praise my Maker


Thinking of you

I care for you
Why I do not know
God has placed you in my heart
For a reason only He knows
So I will lift you up
To my Father
Asking Christ to plea for you

Every thought I think
If it is turned to you
Then in that moment
I will remember you
To the Lord Almighty

Because of God’s mercy
I come into His presence
This same mercy I wish
Extended to you


Sonnet 608

People die, when you do what will God say?
All have sinned and fall short of God's glory
I sin by failing to do things God's way
My sin earns me death for eternity
Nothing we do can ever change our plight
God is holy, with Him sin can not dwell
Forever doomed to be cast from God's sight
After death on earth our home is in hell
God's love is so great He died in our stead
Jesus Christ was crucified and buried
Three days later God’s Son rose from the dead
It was my punishment that Christ carried
If you believe this is true and confess
Jesus is Lord you will be saved by grace

Rom 3:23
Rom 6:23
John 3:16
Eph 2:8-9
Rom 10:9



Things hidden in my mind

It already seems to have flown away,
Yet it is still here.
Why does it remain,
Trying to make a fool of me?
It disregards my wishes,
Seeking to be in control.
I will punish it!
I will prevail!
‘But first let us take a moment,
‘To enjoy that which is to be no more;
Liar! You trick me.
I know the way you are.
I hate you! even more,
Because you try to drag me under.
Why must I hate myself?
You aren’t a part of me!
So leave this place.
‘Then why am I here within your mind?
You are an impostor!
Only the truth can reign supreme!


Silent Jubilation

Flowing, flowing as the sea

Sighing, sighing with the breeze

Singing, singing silent songs

The secret of voiceless song

Concealed harmony revealed

By the grasses of the plains


There is another day

Today is a new day
Don't let it slide past
It may be here once
Doesn't mean it'll come again

Do it all, do it all today
Leaving none for another day
I have a guaranty of eternity
But this life's lasting is unknown

Tell me now, is your life lasting
How long will it go on


The beginning

Pharaoh, Pharaoh, Pharaoh Grey
Known by none other than his mother
From behind the castle wall issued his decree
Pharaoh, Pharaoh, Pharaoh Grey
Founded Rome than left irate
Now he is mine to use and choose
Pharaoh, Pharaoh, Pharaoh Grey


life is this way

So many mornings started the same way.
These habits I've made ruling my day.
Beneficial yet they've become routine.
Feeling safe in predictatbility,