
The Way I See It.

Whatever it takes, wherever I am going,
Lack of dreams, motivation not bestowing,
Life will be just as it comes about.
All such lives take this same route,
Ending unaccomplished, unadorned,
Every mentor thus forewarns.
But each to his own realities,
I float in endless possibilities.


Etched Across the Sky

Caught in a world of nothingness.
I stand in the emptiness.
Worries tossed aside,
My soul rises up to glide,
Soaring above horizon's clouds.
Seen in the sunrise's shrouds,
I've found the glory of my King's delight.


Your way doesn't always make sense,
But I will trust your direction.

Your wisdom, in its great expanse,
Intensifies my vain foolishness.

The world You created full of beauty,
Brings to mind my endless insufficiency.

I find myself at the wrong end of life,
Far from where I want to be.

Coming to grips with my inability,
Forced to search beyond myself.

Only in this state of helplessness,
Can inadequacies be changed to sufficiency.

Here I met with the work of Christ,
By His power made victorious.

The guidance of the Lord leads me,
As I submit to follow Him.

The blood of my Savior changes my existence,
Seen as perfect before the Lord.

Still I live my life,
Struggling to make it right.

But now given confidence,
His work will be sure.

I trust the faithfulness of my Lord.
He will take me where I need to go.

Though oft I can not see,
While darkness surrounds me.

I hear the promises of God so I know,
I will come to be where I need to go.


Here Another Day

Here is another day that I am to live.
Ordinary and routine both wrapped around me.
I forget to look for everyday miracles.
Time dragging on so slowly.
Pulling towards the end of this today.
Continuing even now is the same boring monotony,
Monotony of yet the same thing over and over again.



The worst thing about living in this world is what I forget to say.
Words left unsaid because of fear or lack of motivation.
Things left undone because I argue and dig for myself a way out.
I refuse to let it happen again today but I know it will anyway.
The sanctifying work the Lord is completing in me,
Is so far from being completed. Yet I know by faith I will continue to grow.
May my foolishness be finally overcome by God's great grace.
His mercy sustains me and I will boldly say,
"Jesus is Lord and besides Him there is no other way!"


Father, I need you.
Yes, it is true, I am in need of you.
Deliver me O, my Lord.
My Savior, forever,


Created to Love You

So often I get it all wrong.
Finding myself worrying too long.
Focusing on getting things done.
Distracted by all I've begun.
Times like these I need reminded,
Again Lord, of what I just did.
Service and sacrifice placed above
The importance of love.

Created to give you my love.
I'm bought by my Redeemer's blood.
I turn my thoughts to the Most High.
What He always will supply
Is my delight, found in Him.
Let my focus forever dwell,
On my Lord's holy character.


The world is crying out, can you not hear it?
My world screaming loudly in my ear,
Do I dare ignore it?
Asking what I do not know,
What am I to do?
Lord help me follow you.


When figuring out life ceases to be important

O Lord, I long for quiet in my soul.
To trust in you this I have been told.
I try to close my eyes and let it slide,
It just doesn't seem to work tonight.
The worries of the world don't seem to hinder me.
I just don't know.
This is the reality
That has brought disharmony.


A new day begins start it right by going slow.
Let all the rush and worry slide below.
Lifting my voice my God I seek.
Direct my paths empower me who is weak.
From Your Word I find needed wisdom,
And gain discernment for life under the sun.
Striving to live for the glory of my King,
Success only His grace to me can bring.
