
None Other Than My Savior

There is none other than my Savior,
On whom I will rely.
In days of chaos and long tired nights,
There is one to whom I will turn.
Having every certainty,
That He is always there.


Thrown into indecision,
I am standing in uncertainty.
Not sure how to find out,
The answers to my questions.
Whom can I trust and where can I go?
Finding myself thus,
All I can do is trust.
Trust that it will all work out,
And the world won't spin out of control.
Maybe they are right,
Perhaps it doesn't matter after all.
Both paths seem as fair,
Each with their own difficulties.
Is there a right and is there a wrong?
Let the hand of God guide me through it all.


Roaming around seeking a place to stand
Wondering how I fit in.
Trying to find where I belong.
In this moment realizing,
My discrepancy,
In trying to find where
I can serve
Rather than looking to see
Who is in need of what I can give.


Standing Together

There are so many things needing done.
How can I find the strength to do them all?
Why can't I get the world to rise with me?
If you all stood and joined in my pursuit,
Together we would stand and make a difference.
Why do so many people need to be rallied,
Rather than eagerly standing in wait,
Seeking a chance to volunteer and save their world?
Where did they go? Those days of glory?
When bold men and upright women served the Lord.
Today is no different so why must we search?
It should be easy to find those eager to serve.
Is it distraction, embarrassment, or uncertainty?
What this world needs is a leader.
A leader to stand for righteousness,
Boldly proclaiming the gospel,
In words and in deeds.
This is not more then I should expect,
Rather the essence of a Christian nation.


Haiku 8017j

Jesus Christ, God's Son
In Him salvation is found
Believe and be saved


Living a Life for Christ

Wanting to serve the Lord,
All I have to do is look around.
I will find a corner of the world,
That needs to feel God's touch.
It is enough for me to follow,
The gentle prompting of God's Spirit.

Worry not what the world might think,
Focus on what your Lord has to say.
I offer all to Christ who is my Master.
But do not think He will not take and use,
What I have given Him.

Willing to offer ready to serve,
Lord let this be how I am to be.

The gentle breathing of the Spirit,
Fills my life full of meaning.
If only I were to listen,
Every moment that I live.
I ask for trust and obedience,
That I might obey God's law.


After 7 Years It Is Still Here

To those affected by the terrorist attack against the United States of America on September 11, 2001.

May you never forget God's grace and mercy.

9/11 must not be forgotten.
The past can not be buried.
Happenings so real they can not be erased.


All that comes to mind
are silly ditties
and old hymns.
Lost in a mindless fog,
Sitting here thinking,
Reflecting empty thoughts,
I am wondering about this new day.

What will it bring?
And what will I give?
Which part am I to play?


"I want to make a difference in this world." Spoken in a soft quiet voice, the little girl told her mother. "I don't want anyone who knew me to be the same after I die." In a way she is right nobody can forget what my little girl did, not now and not ever. They might not remember her name or where she came from. They may never know why she did what she did, but no one who saw her can ever be the same. She didn't rush into a burning building to save a cat. She didn't run in front of a speeding car to pull an old lady out of the path of danger. My little girl, she never saved the world by making some miraculous discovery. There will never be a planet named after her. There won't be any books written to tell the world her story. She wasn't ever anybody famous nor did she become the first to do any marvelous thing. She wasn't a queen or president. Yet her field of influence was indeed very wide and it will stretch beyond many generations. My little girl was so quiet and so simple, it was amazing, shocking really that she will always be remembered in such away.
Fighting a longing to be in control of my life.
Knowing that I can never be,
I seek to know the one who is.
I thank God for each event,
That is called coincidence
Knowing he is directing affairs of man.
Seemingly insignificant things,
Prove to me God's love.


Today's Madness

Rushing along at a maddening speed
I see people literally running over each other.
Why is the world like this?
I find a solitary place where I can sit and watch
From where I feel safe.
But why should I?
I occupy a part of this this world
How can I be an exception.
As I ponder this thought I see a man walk by.
Totally absorbed by his own silence,
He doesn't hear shuffling footsteps coming up behind him.
There is momentary hesitation before the shuffler walks past.
On their busy way to somewhere they don't take the time notice.
Neither realizes the other.
They have never met but they pass each other everyday.
Should that not be enough, even just to cause momentary acknowledgment?
What is it about this world?
It makes people ashamed, ashamed of themselves.
Despite never having begun they fear consequences.
Consequences that do not exist.
Why should we be worried about how we are perceived?
What is being thought of us has more to do with the one who thinks it,
And less to do with the one who is being thought of.
Smiles that taken more then one way,
Motives that are questioned,
And thoughts that fail to make sence,
All add to the world of confusion.


A Whisper of Peace

I feel it spreading over the land,
Reaching every corner of my world.
It is peace, it is indeed peace.
Why can't it stay this way?
War and famine, in a constant circle of strife.
It seems that it would be so easy,
But the truth of that statement is so far away.


My heart bleeds for you.
My soul longs for you.
Why can’t you see?
Open your eyes, behold His glory.
Open your heart, your mind, know His love.
His power surrounds you.
A tool in His hands, He uses you.
Through you great things are done.
Look around, see His love.
Know and recognize His provision,
Which you supply.
To those you greet, His love is shown.
His wonders surround you.
You are immersed in Him,
His glory, power, love and victory.
Yet you can not see,
Can not perceive,
Nor come to know,
These wonders in your life.
You have not been chosen,
Wonders not revealed.
My intercession continues;
I will not cease;
Pouring my heart out for you,
Begging, praying, asking,
Heartlessly crying for your soul.